
macular society

the macular society wrote an article about Diet ; check it out here  .


Track the globe hoppers and see every nice picture and were they took it ! Technology is amazing ! Click on this link and you will see all about the Globe hoppers super cool journey ! A preview on what you may see on this site : Hot air balloon in Cappadoce ! On salt desert a café Nice view from Isibindi !

frontline news - des nouvelles du front

The girls seems to be ok, they are at the border Iran - turkmenistan ! Don't forget if you can to help us raise money for charities : We are raising money to help two charities : the Macular Society and Cool earth. Here are a  few photos of the girls with their "new kurdish family" in Iran. Les filles semblent aller bien, elles sont à la frontière Iran - Turkménistan! N'oubliez pas si vous le pouvez pour nous aider à collecter des fonds pour des associations caritatives: Nous recueillons des fonds pour aider deux organisations caritatives: la Macular Society et Cool Earth. Voici quelques photos des filles avec leur "nouvelle famille kurde" en Iran.

Where are we ...

On the road :)

Visiting Romania - visite de la Roumanie

Bucharest is the country's capital and commercial center. Its iconic landmark is the massive, communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building, which has 1,100 rooms.   park bench Downtown is the tiny Eastern Orthodox Stavropoleos Church which is squashed in between big buildings and a statute of the former King. Church door from Cotmeana Monastery - XVI century

Let's take a tour in Bucharest Art museum !

Venez on vous enmène faire un tour au musée de Bucarest   !     Let us take you through Bucarest Art Museum ! Nicholae Grigorescu - The Spy - 1818- 1971 Emil Volkers - On the road - 1870 Josif Fekete - Greyhound - 1937 Maria Maroresca -  Constantin Lecca - 1846   Nicholae Tonitza - Breadline - 1919 Studio interior - Georghe Ioanio  Vladimir Hegel Catholic Church in Campulung - Theodore Aman - 1831 - 1891 Self-portrait - Theodore Aman - 1831 - 1891

Every day life in Romania

Unesco world heritage Built in the 13th century by Count Chyl de Kelling, the Fortified Church at Calnic (German:  Kelling ) is one of the most imposing defensive structures in Transylvania. First documented in 1269, the fortress served as a residence for Saxon nobility until 1430, when it was sold to the peasant community of Calnic. Enclosed by one and a half rings of high walls fortified with a defensive tower to the south and a gate tower to the north, the fortress withstood several Ottoman sieges. Its defense system was completed in the 16th century when a small Romanesque chapel, surrounding walls and a water ditch were added by the Calnic community. The five-story-high Siegfried Tower, the landmark of the fortress, is endowed with defensive corridors and firing windows Weird scenes from Romania - transylvania everyday life : They still use horse carriage ! And they are driving with us , in the same road ! Here you can see food from Romania :)

Transfagarasan Highway : the most beautiful road in the world

18.07 : The road climbs to an attitude of 2042 metres making it the second highest mount pass in Romania. It is dotted with steep hairpin turns, sharp descents and magnificent scenery.  La route monte à une altitude de 2042 mètres, ce qui en fait le deuxième col le plus élevé de Roumanie. Elle est parsemée de virages serrés, de descentes brusques et de paysages magnifiques. On a vu un ours !!! Our First bear sighting !

First visit - première visite

17.07 Visit of Spis Castle,  in Slovakia which is a UNESCO world heritage site :